


The Seminar of The Jungian Academy: “Archetypes and Life” , Katowice, Poland, The University of Silesia

Lecture: “Nocna podróż morska. Indywiduacja w czasach zbiorowej regresji” (“The Night Sea Journey. Individuation in the Times of Collective Regression”)


The Scientific Seminar of Polish Society for Study of Western Esotericism: “Vision and Hermeneutics. Carl’s Jung ‘The Red Book'”, Katowice, The University of Silesia

Lecture: “Duch czasów obecnych i duch głębi. ‘Czerwona Księga’ a nasze doświadczenie współczesności” (“The spirit of the times and the spirit of the depths. ‘The Red Book and Our Experience of Post-modern.'”)


 The Conference of Polish Association for Jungian Analysis: “Jungian Analysis as a Method of Treatment”, Cracow, Poland

Presentation:  “Wczesna trauma i głębokie obrony psychiczne” (“Early Trauma and Second Line of Defences”)



3rd European Conference on Analytical Psychology: “Analysis at the Cultural Crossroads”, Trieste, Italy 

The member of the Program Committee


XIIth International Conference of The Journal of Analytical Psychology: „The Varieties of Jungian Clinical Experience: Complex, Identity, Intersubjectivity”, Berlin

Co-author of the presentation: “Differences of Fantasy, Fantasy of Differences. Reflecting on Jungian Identity in the Context of Individual Route”


 The 19th Congress of the International Association for Analytical Psychology

Co-author of the presentation: „Reflections on the Long Term Impact of the Cultural Trauma on the Collective Memory and its Functions in Individual Development”



The First International Krakow Study of Religions Symposium: Religions: Fields of Research, Methods and Perspectives, Cracow, Poland
Presentation: “Religious and Sacred Symbolism in Collective memory as a Representation of Defences Against Trauma”


The Conference of the Three Sections of Polish Psychiatric Association, Cracow, Poland
Presentation: “Specyfika pracy analityka jungowskiego: relacja terapeutyczna” (“The Therapeutical Relationship in the Work of a Jungian Analyst”)


Journal of Analytical Psychology Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia 
Presentation: „Monuments of Memory. Defensive Mechanisms of Collective psyche and their Manifestation in the Memorialization Process”


1st European Conference on Analytical Psychology, Vilnius, Lithuania 
Presentation: „The Shot Memory – the Reflections over the Influence of the 2nd World War Trauma on the Contemporary Polish Psyche”

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